"I was 29, living in New York City, and people could not understand why I struggled to find the right person. After all, this was the singles capital of the world! I was a successful Wall Street banker, and after 6 years of unsuccessfully looking, falling in love and having my heart broken, I contacted Vows for Eternity. I am a successful professional and have always believed in the value that domain specialists bring to the table. I was introduced to someone in India, and I resisted talking for 3 months, but after constant prodding from the team (who believed we were a good fit), I did. We spoke once and then never stopped. Two trips to India and a 10-month courtship later, we were married. Today a lot has changed; we have moved to the suburbs because NYC isn't the most kid-friendly, and yes, we have two adorable little ones. It feels right! My family." Investment Banker, New York, 32
"I must be honest. I only reached out to VFE because of pressure from my mother. I didn't need help, and certainly not from a matchmaking service. I am good-looking, have a sense of humour, excellent pedigree, and work for a sought-after hedge fund. I felt I was a catch! All I can say today is that making the call was good for me. I had in-depth conversations, which were initially tough to have, but in hindsight, they helped me figure out what I was looking for. It's true when they say I had not thought through it. The way they helped me cut through the clutter. I was never into casual dating but equally unable to take it forward with anyone. Over time the team helped me identify certain blocks, and today I am seriously dating someone. We were not introduced through the service, but it was instrumental in shaping my thought process and helped me identify and focus on what really matters." Investment Banker, London, 36
"I was born and raised in London. I'd never imagined that the love of my life would be halfway around the world. At first, the sheer geographical distance seemed like an impossible barrier. Yet, from the very start, the VFE team seemed to understand the depths of my hopes and the specifics of my preferences. They didn't just look at the surface but delved much deeper. When they introduced us, it felt like the universe had conspired to bring us together. Our initial conversations were filled with endless laughter, shared dreams, and a mutual understanding that transcended borders. The miles between us didn't seem to matter anymore. We were sure we wanted to make this work, and we did. He relocated because, given that I am a doctor, it's tougher for me to move." Doctor, London, 30
"I grew up in Canada, and as a second-generation Canadian with Indian heritage, I was always very mindful of the political standing my father had painstakingly built. I was willing to give this whole arranged matchmaking a chance because, frankly, my options were very limited unless I was okay to put my life out there publicly. I wasn't. We did our due diligence, and whilst most of the feedback spoke highly of the service, some was negative. My father made me realise how that’s normal in everything that tends to have a higher emotional component to it. I can't stress enough how happy I am today that we trusted our instinct and went ahead. We did a long distance for ten months, and when we met for the first time, we both knew we had something special. I'm still getting used to being addressed as "my husband", but I wouldn't change it for anything in the world." CA, Toronto, 28
"Growing up in Delhi, being in my late 30s and never married came with its fair share of heartache. I particularly hated the wedding seasons and being scrutinised by people I knew or even never met and knew I was the topic of conversation in hushed tones. I signed up with VFE for a year in my early 30s, and nothing came of it. Time flew, and my parents' anxiety was through the room, particularly my mom. My dad seemed unperturbed. I had been reading about the company and one day expressed a desire to re-enrol. My mother was excited but also nervous. I had been told my expectations were too high given my age and I should look at divorced guys, maybe even with children and all that "gyan" in good faith. I come from an established business family and decided to go in for the top membership. After a few years of conversations with the founder, where she helped me define important things without once asking me to lower my expectations, I was connected to someone who was the polar opposite of me. I was surprised at how well we bonded, well enough to get married! Yes. And no, he wasn't married before and did not have children. And don't let anyone tell you it doesn't happen because it does." Family Business, Delhi, 37
"I come from an extremely well-known industrialist family and would never have written this if Anuradha hadn't asked if I would be willing to share my experience. For her, yes. I learnt that it's important to deconstruct a lot that we have built up in our heads. I learnt what was important and that we must let some things go. It's not about compromise. It's about how two people come together. And yes, she helped me through self-discovery, shedding some skin, and oh, how can I forget the prenup!!" Second Generation Industrialist, Delhi, 33
"My company was just going public, and life was throwing things at a million miles per hour. I was so in control even then, but only when it came to the work front. In my personal life, I was confused, maybe even conflicted, because I was a first-generation entrepreneur. The women my parents wanted me to meet were different from the one I envisioned myself with. Then we hit a roadblock because their social circles and sensibilities differed from mine. I didn't want someone stereotypical, but someone I could have intellectual conversations with, someone who was unlike me in many ways yet like me. I know it sounds confusing, and I was confused. I worked very closely with Anuradha, and even though the person I married was not introduced to me by them, I know that if I had not had those in-depth conversations with her, I would not have arrived at the decision I did. Even for that, I spoke to her, and her insights were so valuable and she even connected me to our wedding planner. It's a shame she didn't attend our wedding; she says she doesn't so as to be consistent, but I missed having her there!" Entrepreneur, Bangalore, 34