If you are here it’s probably because you are where I was a few years ago.
When I was younger, I could never understand the pressure to get married because "it was time to". I didn't "feel ready" and always thought I would find someone when I am, and things would just fall into place. But I couldn’t have been more wrong.
I got so busy with my job and building a career, that time just flew by. Before I knew it, I felt as though something very important was missing in my life. Yes, I had good friends but that didn’t fill the vacuum in my life. Over time most of them got married and I felt even more alone and wished I had that "special someone" in my life too.
I often asked myself - is there anyone for me? Everyone my age was already married, when would it be me? I had all these dreams that I wanted to share with someone special. Was that too much to ask for?
One can be in the best place in the world, but if one is alone it means nothing. And then it all changed...
I found that “special someone” and I felt it all...that feeling of loving someone more than you love yourself…of being with someone who completes you. Someone who loves you despite your faults...someone with whom you can just be yourself...
It’s when life suddenly starts making sense and you know your search is complete. I always believed that there are many people one can live with, but I would only marry someone who I could not live without...
And that is what I wish for YOU.
I had always thought that I would meet the lady of my dreams socially and settle down – I could not have been more wrong. Finding a person I wanted to spend my life with was tougher than I had imagined.
I was a self-made man who “thought” he was in control of his life for over 35 years – my well-laid plans allowed me to secure an Ivy League education, a Fortune 500 executive job, travel the world and generally live life to the max! However, although I met many girls, I struggled to meet “The One” I wanted to settle down with.
I tried everything – signed up for self-service portals, went to many professional and social mixers and parties, made countless introductory phone-calls and went on many first dates - but nothing felt like “this is it”.
What I was looking for did not exist in my limited social circle in Los Angeles. Like my dream job, the girl that I wanted to marry was not advertised. I needed to broaden my horizons and seek her out – from anywhere in the world. After all, once I decided to settle down there was nothing more important. I asked for help and found my wife halfway across the world in London – we were married less than a year later in Delhi. Today, I can’t imagine my life without her. She truly compliments me.
And that is what I wish for YOU!